The story begins with an evening out to see The Complexions Ballet company performing at the Joyce theater. Whilst watching the performance I couldn't help but notice a very commanding couple. What I was initially attracted to was how stylish the woman was. She had on this wonderful frilly collar and, from what I recall a sequined dress. She appeared to be at least over sixty, and as I looked at her I secretly wished that I would one day be as stylish. Little did I know who I was looking at.
Fast forward to a lazy Saturday of reading the New York Times online. A video of a gala event for the Alvin Ailey's 50th anniversary was featured. As I watched the video I recognized that same couple and more importantly the very professional people from the Times had included who this amazing couple was. The woman was Carmen de Lavallade, a wonderful dancer. Her companion and husband was Geoffrey Holder, also known as a dancer. Now I'm not sure that he would want to be remembered for this, but Geoffrey Holder will also be familiar to those who grew up in the '70s and 80's as this guy:
Fast forward to a lazy Saturday of reading the New York Times online. A video of a gala event for the Alvin Ailey's 50th anniversary was featured. As I watched the video I recognized that same couple and more importantly the very professional people from the Times had included who this amazing couple was. The woman was Carmen de Lavallade, a wonderful dancer. Her companion and husband was Geoffrey Holder, also known as a dancer. Now I'm not sure that he would want to be remembered for this, but Geoffrey Holder will also be familiar to those who grew up in the '70s and 80's as this guy: